Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why the suicide rate is high for teenagers Essay

Why the suicide rate is high for teenagers - Essay Example However, despite suicide being one of the leading causes of deaths there has been little effort to address the menace as used in other causes such as heart diseases, cancer, HIV/Aids and so on (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1). Although suicide is preventable, either there is little understanding or loss of concern about its causes and the prevention measures to be applied. This document examines the major causes and the interventions appropriate to reduce the prevalence of suicide among the teenagers. There are various issues responsible for the prevalence of suicide among the teenagers that respective stakeholders need to understand and address clearly in order to reduce the suicide. Depression and other mental disorders are some of the major causes of suicide among teenagers. The mental disorders and depression are caused by various factors especially among the young generation (Huisman, Pirkis and Robinson 282). For example, abuse of drugs, social rejection, domestic conflicts, sexual abuse, academic failure, etc. When teenagers encounter challenges that make them feel demoralized, they are most likely to suffer depression and other mental disorders (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1). Depression and mental disorders can result in suicide as teenagers seek for a solution to their problems. In every successful suicide, there are between 8 and 25 attempted suicides (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1). The teenagers who undergo treatment after attempted suic ide respond positively to antidepressants. Therefore, it is essential for the people relatives, friends and neighbors to recognize any behavioral change that could result in depression and other mental disorders and address them before they cause teenagers to commit suicide. In American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the use of antidepressants has been reported to lower the rate of suicide among the teenagers (1). Most of

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